Saturday, March 21, 2009

The power of the Vibe-o-Meter

It’s a friend’s first day of work. Maybe your sister is driving home through the season’s worst blizzard or your best buddy is sitting in the hospital with her ailing mother. There are so many occasions when you want to send warm fuzzies or “Be Strong and Brave” vibes.

Enter the Vibe-o-Meter.
After an initial simple calibration, the Vibe-o-Meter will deliver --with variable intensity—bolstering vibes suitable for any occasion. Perhaps your friend is mourning the death of someone special. Set the dial on HI and she will feel your warm and supportive hug across the miles.
Your son is asking his boss for a raise today, so you set the Vibe-o-Meter on LO, because you don’t want him swaggering into that office like Steven Segal – he just needs a little self-confidence.
A good friend told me her daughter was having dinner with a guy she’d admired for a long time and was very nervous. I told her I’d dust off the Vibe-o-Meter, get it recalibrated and have it ready to go at 7:30. She said, “Don’t turn it on too high. We don’t want her coming home pregnant!”
Ah, the well-known power of the Vibe-o-Meter.

I’ve yet to have anyone phone me from the bar where they’re dancing on the table to ask me to turn the danged thing down, but it does pack a punch. Caution is advised. You don’t want your niece deciding to skip the parachute on her first sky dive because you’ve got the Vibe-o-Meter set on HI and the little minx is just way too comfortable with jumping from a plane.

Next time someone says they are facing a scary, sad or otherwise difficult situation, you can help. And, later, when they report how smoothly the event went, or how confident they felt, you can sniff smugly, shrug and say, “Yea, well, that was probably me and my vibe machine. Just glad to help.”
Behold, the power of the Vibe-o-Meter.


Anonymous said...

Would this be too wonderful?

Sue T said...

I Believe!