Wednesday, March 11, 2009

Down with night classes

How was my Photoshop class last night? Let me just say, a three-hour night class is not a good time for me to learn anything technical – or non-technical. I start to shut down about 8 p.m. The doors and windows are locked and nothing can get in. Nothing.

Imagine me on a date. A guy’s got to make his suave moves while we’re looking at menus if he wants to leave an impression. Any later in the evening and cleverness is wasted on me.

Last night I felt like a zombie during the final hour of the class. The young whippersnapper instructor led us through a series of Photoshop projects and I was keeping up with everything very well until about 8. In the middle of the last project, I made a mistake and erased everything on my screen. I stared blankly at the screen. Fudgebiscuits.

Then apathy set in. I stifled a yawn.

Instead of asking for help to get restore the project, I just sat there and pretended I was done with it. I allowed myself to look around the room smugly, in fact, just to complete the illusion. I knew there was no point in getting help because my brain already had its jammies on and was starting to wash its face.

Sue glanced over at my screen. “Are you done, already?”
“No. I erased it by accident,” I hissed.
“Why don’t you –“
“No,” I said, shortly.

She peered at me, saw the Zs circling my pupils, and mentally handed me a fuzzy blankie.

She's a good friend, that Sue.


Sue T said...
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Sue T said...
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Sue T said...

No doubt about the fade factor affecting your progress in class toward the end! The hyperdrive speed of the lesson was hard for me too, a self-proclaimed night owl. Can't wait to sink my teeth into layers, magic tools, stamps and brushes tonight. ;-) ... Can't spell ... morning is not my time of day.

Sue T said...

Love the pic BTW.

Anonymous said...

HA!- "my brain already had its jammies on and was washing its face..." TOO GOOD!