Tuesday, January 26, 2010

Ballet at the scale

The hubs and I are doing Weight Watchers with delightful success so far. We each have more than 50 pounds to lose and seem to be losing at the same rate, which is fortunate for him. If he was losing faster than I was, my nose would be out of joint, big time, and might require gifts of jewelry and fine leather goods to get straightened out again.

With only the two of us in the house, meals and snacks are easy. No one is slobbering down a big bowl of Bunny Tracks ice cream while I’m having a handful of baby carrots. When we go out to eat, we’re both interested in going someplace listed in our “Dining Out Guide” and we keep each other from super-sizing. It’s all good.

I commented the other day that I was looking forward to getting thin enough to be able to read the scale without contorting myself around my belly and boobs.

He said he doesn’t bother with contortions. He just hops off real fast and reads the screen before the numbers fade.

Chubby naked dude leaps nimbly from scale, bends quickly to peer at vanishing display.

If you knew that sort of activity was going on in your bathroom, wouldn’t you have to see it? I’m thinking it’s worth the disgusted look I’ll receive when I’m caught spying. It's even worth the jewelry and fine leather goods it might take to get his nose straightened out.

Friday, January 22, 2010

The Gurgle Pot

When my best friend came for her first visit to my new home in Kennewick, she brought a wonderful housewarming gift. The Gurgle Pot is shaped like a fish - a whimsical, yet classic design. But wait; there’s more. A distinct, giggle-inducing gurgle rises from deep within the pitcher as you pour. How neat is that?

Glug, glug, glug!

Developed by a man here in the state of Washington, the Gurgle Pot comes in many colors, from brights to pastels. Mine is soft mustard yellow, which is lovely in my kitchen.

Each morning, I fill my funny fish with water and leave it on the counter to remind myself to drink the recommend 48 ounces. I smile every time I pour a glassful.

Glug, glug, glug!

Read about the Gurgle Pot at http://www.gurglepot.com/ and listen to the bubbly gurgle yourself!

Glug, glug, glug!

Wednesday, January 20, 2010

I love my bags, baby

I can't explain why, but my new grocery bags are exceedingly pleasing to me. Maybe I'm just appreciating the simple things in life. Maybe I've become embarrassingly easy to please.

I like leaving the store with one or two attractive bags instead of 10 flimsy, throwaway ones that sometimes don't make it to the car without bursting a seam. I like setting these bags on the car seat and knowing that's where they'll be when I get home. No more apples rolling around on the floor and jumping out when I open the door.(One summer day I found a 3-day old package of chicken breasts under the seat. Yummy.)

With these cute, sturdy bags, the process of unloading groceries at home is a breeze. No more schlepping bags of groceries into the house, trying to carry as many as possible. These reusable bags hold a lot of groceries and the handles make them easy to carry. Once inside, instead of a heap of bulging plastic bags, these well-mannered marvels stand politely on the counter while you retrieve your purchases.

Finally, the tantalizing design has inspired me to put more fresh fruits and vegetables into my cart at the store. Thank heavens I didn't buy the M&Ms design!

AND, they were only $4 each!

Sunday, January 3, 2010

Red sweatpants

My best friend was here visiting this weekend and told me a story about her nephew that I have to share. (The names have been changed because I forgot the real ones.)

His first season in tiny tot soccer had young Jack bubbling at home about his new teammates, especially one named Brad. He talked about Brad incessantly - Brad said this, Brad did that. Brad was his new best friend.
Jack's mother asked him which kid on the team was Brad.
"What does he look like?" she asked.
"He's the one with red sweatpants," Jack told her.
At the next soccer game, she made a point to watch for the amazing Brad and sure enough, there was a kid in red sweatpants - the only African-American child on the team.

Don't you love it?