Sunday, April 12, 2009

My retirement plan

I wish I’d been more ambitious up to this point in my life.

I had no desire to have a career that was all about making my mark in the world and making a difference. I was deliriously happy to be an at-home mom pouring all my energies into making a home and nurturing three great kids. That was my mark in the world.

I’ve always been satisfied with “good enough,” and while that attitude has allowed me to enjoy a relaxed and contented life, it doesn’t help a girl build her 401(k) or enable her to look forward to her retirement years with any anticipation. I’m pretty sure I’ll have to walk dogs and take in washing to make ends meet.

Other people are in dismay over the state of their 401(k) plans and the money they’ve lost. I lost about $23. That’s less than the late fee I paid last month on my credit card bill.

So, I’ve got my binoculars out. I’m watching for my knight in shining armor. When he appears on the horizon, he’s going to be riding a fat investment portfolio and dragging bag of gold.

Good luck to me.

1 comment:

kel said...

You make me smile.