Sunday, February 22, 2009

Don’t worry, I’m OK now, but it was a close call. After some bed rest and a little TLC from my friends and family, I’m expected to make a full recovery from the trauma I endured as a result of overexposure.
On Thursday night I attended a basketball game out of town. I know, I know, what was I thinking? The invitation was innocent enough, but the situation got out of hand and I ended up having to sit through more than five hours of college basketball. Overexposure to Sports.
My travel companions insisted on going early to get a good seat, so we were there to take in the women’s game, too. I haven’t been to a basketball game in years, so I was unprepared for the big old sloppy floppy long shorts. The home team in their white jerseys, especially, looked like they were running up and down the court in their jammies. And the girls acted so tired from the very beginning of the game, like they were exhausted and ready for bed. I’m sure they would have been more energetic if they weren’t wearing pajamas.
After the women’s game, I was ready to spend the rest of the evening bellied up to the snack bar. I’d had all the basketball I needed for the rest of my life. But I gave it a chance and the men’s game was great. I was mesmerized by the players’ skill, stamina and speed.
We were there to watch a particular Carroll College player, Christopher Kaschmitter. He’s from Grangeville and I’ve known him most of his life. He’s quite good, so it was a pleasure to watch him, big old sloppy shorts and all.

The game took me back to my own college days, specifically the 79-80 school year, when I was a cheerleader for Lewis-Clark State College’s men’s basketball team.
Don’t blow a fuse trying to picture it. I didn’t look like I do now. Ironically, I thought I was fat in those days. I hope I don’t look back at THESE days and wish I was still that “skinny.”
Games weren’t played in the snazzy new LCSC Activity Center back then, however. We played in a rickety little old gym that was old even when my mother attended school there in the late ‘50s. (She was a cheerleader, too, by the way!)
This new facility is wonderful. Plenty of light, space, great sound system, benches with backs, snack bar featuring sausage dogs – the works. Surprisingly enough, though, they have not yet started on the shrine to the 79-80 cheerleading squad. There is an empty glass case, and I’m sure that is where the shrine will be located. Watch for the grand opening.

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