Thursday, February 12, 2009

Chat Pack to the rescue!

Have you seen Chat Pack? It is a little box of conversation starters. I found them on the counter of a darling tourist-buster boutique in McCall, Idaho, called Razzle Dazzle and they hopped right over next to the book and candle I was buying and came home with me.
Each little green card has a question and the idea is for everyone to answer it, thus sparking some conversation, hence the term “conversation starters” Duh. Where have you been?
If everyone were required to wear hats at all times, what sort of hat would you wear?
If you had to describe your personality in terms of a farm animal, which animal would you choose?
If you could have been there to witness any specific moment in sports history, what moment would you choose?
The Chat Pack could be fun at family gatherings, around the dinner table, in the classroom or on car trips.
I was thinking Blind Dates.
So, I’m in Applebee’s, sitting across the table from a man who is growing less attractive by the minute. I have my Interested face on, but I’m trying to read the lettering on the poster across the room and wondering where the lady in the next booth got her cute purse.
My date is droning on about how he could show his boss how to turn the company around. Oops, he’s done with that. Now he’s saving up to put lifts on his pickup and get new bad ass wheels that will make his rig look sweet. Heart, be still.
Chat Pack to the rescue. I deftly whip open the box and extract a card.
“Butch, which month of the year do you feel best describes your personality, and why?”
Blessed silence.
“Check, please!”

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I'm there. I thoroughly enjoy the 'what makes you tick?' husband, not-so-much....I think he prefers anonymity in order to preserve his mystic. And that's okay, this way I can have him secretly be anything I want....HA!