Tuesday, November 29, 2011

And.....She's Back.

Well, I'm back after my short and unsuccessful run in the contemporary drama, The Kennewick Project, in which I played The Current Wife. It was a bit part in a dramatic production and I’m the first to admit I was miscast.

I auditioned and was offered the role with high expectations all around. However, I realized pretty early in the run that I basically stunk at the part. I guess my heart wasn’t in it. While the other actors did their best to carry me along by helping me with my lines and coaching me, my part was finally cut from the play altogether.

Do I regret my involvement in The Kennewick Project? Not at all.
I am the sum of my experiences, and I’m sure I’ll be discovering many ways in which I have grown because of my short marriage and life in Kennewick. I know I’m a different person than the one who left in 2009. Improved, really.


Terri said...

And we're glad your back in Gville! Good luck with the next act.

kel said...

Love having my sister back!