Tuesday, December 6, 2011

My Great Blue Messenger

I love Great Blue Herons.

Whenever I see one, it feels like God is saying, "Everything is going to be fine," or "Yes, you're making the right decision." Sometimes the heron's message is "Have you forgotten me? I haven't forgotten you." Seeing a heron reminds me that Someone is watching out.

Once, a heron flew beside my car for a few yards as I drove down the highway. It was so close, I could see its eyes quite clearly. I admit I wasn't paying much attention to the road as I marveled at my messenger.

Another time I was nervous about driving in an unfamiliar city when I caught a glimpse of something unusual out of the corner of my eye. It was a Great Blue Heron soaring high above the tall buildings.

Anyone else might spot a heron standing in the shallows of a river and think nothing of it. Not me. I know it's a whisper of support and love meant just for me.

A few years ago I was unsure about spending the time and money to attend a conference in Florida, but when I opened the hotel Web site and saw a photo of a heron, I knew that booking the trip was the right thing to do.

I glanced out the window early one morning during a rough period of my life and there was a heron standing on the roofline of my neighbor's house. I don't care if my neighbor happened to have a garden pond stocked with coi. It was still a message from God: "Hang in there, girl!"

The next time you spot a Great Blue Heron, don't look the other way. Take a message for me, would you?

1 comment:

kel said...

Yes yes yes...the very fact that we recognize and acknowledge when we are receiving those messages...love it love it.