Monday, October 27, 2008

The first day of my new life!

Welcome to the first day of my new life!
Late Friday afternoon, with no warning whatsoever, I was laid off indefinitely from my job as a receptionist/proofreader/telemarketer/feature writer/columnist at a small weekly newspaper. I was the “have Krista do it” person. Besides my work at the front desk greeting the public, I helped the news staff with story writing and fact checking, the production staff with typesetting, the distribution staff with deliveries and the advertising staff with sales. The paper puts out a little local phone book that is a huge moneymaker. For the first three editions, that phone book was my baby. I made the sales calls and proofread the white pages.
I gave the job 100 percent. I never said no to a project. I felt that I was an important member of the staff at the Idaho County Free Press and my dream was to someday move away from the front desk and my position as the “go to” person and be given a cubicle of my own and a spot on the news staff.
Foolish me. I’m now one of the multitudes of surprised employees who have been laid off. No one sees it coming. Everyone is sent into a tailspin. My experience is neither new nor original. There is actually a bit of comfort in that thought.
After quite a lot of tears and ego-soothing e-mails, I feel much better. I realize that I didn’t love that job, anyway. I wasn’t challenged and was operating with one hand tied behind my back. That is not what I want to be doing for the rest of my life.
Getting canned is like opening a door and letting the fresh air in. I have goose bumps and am gasping, but I’m excited about possibilities. It is the feeling I had while I was in college.
I’m even considering taking back my maiden name. After more than 25 years, taking back my maiden name feels like turning a corner and reinventing myself. I’m not sure I’ll do it. That’s a big step. Maybe I’ll just buy a leopard print bra and thong set. (If anyone had to identify my mangled body, they’d say, “No way is that Krista. In that shameless hussy getup??? No way!”)
So, it’s the first day of my new life. I’m officially “at work” right now. I’m dressed and am wearing makeup and earrings. Sure, I’m barefoot, but give me a break. I’m at my desk working at the business of writing. And that’s the plan. I don’t know how long I’ll be able to afford to do it. I’m not sure of the point at which I’ll have to get a real job. I still have to work all that out. What is important is that I’ve always wanted to work from home and do what I love, which is write. And I’m doing it. Right now. And that makes me happier than I have been in a long time.

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