Wednesday, November 5, 2008

Exercise tip: Get a Lab

If you're having trouble getting or staying motivated to get out and walk, get a Lab.
If they don't get exercise, they get fat and everyone will harp at you, "A fat dog is a sign his owner needs more exercise." Blah, blah, blah.
After five years of enduring jokes about Jigs' waistline, the fact that he has rolling ripples of fat on his back, and a fat roll under his collar, I started looking and listening.
The epiphany came at about the same time I saw some candid full-body photos of myself. Is that my rear end?? Are those fat ripples on my back? Where is my waist? Did my head shrink? When did this happen?

So Jigs and I are on the desperate exercise plan together.
A pleasant discovery for me was that Jigs is big enough to pull me along. Sure, I have to move my feet myself, but the dog propels me along. I still get out of breath and overheated -- all the benefits of a good walk -- but I don't have to work at it very hard. It's practically cheating.

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