Saturday, March 5, 2016

The Downside of Hermitville

I work with people all day, and when I come home, I don’t feel like seeing or speaking to anyone until I go back to work in the morning. It’s not very warm and fuzzy, but it’s true. It has recently come to my attention that, because of this tendency toward hermitville, I have successfully eliminated nearly all opportunities for face-to-face encounters with human beings outside of work.

While this satisfies my hermit tendencies perfectly, it was decidedly inconvenient when I needed to talk over a big and possibly life-changing decision recently.

As I made and weighed lists and struggled with the pros and cons of the decision, I longed to kick it all around with a real person, someone who knew me well and was somewhat obligated to listen to me yammer on and on.

I am between BFFs and between men at the moment. (Note: It is best if these two states are not experienced simultaneously.) Therefore, there is no one in my life to perform the task of Sounding Board. Don’t feel sorry for me. I prefer this most of the time and created the situation myself. And, to be fair, I do have my parents and my children, but they all go into “Play it safe and don’t forget to keep your gas tank topped off” mode, as they should. I really wanted someone to weigh all the facts, know my heart and still possibly say, “Oh, just go for it. You only live once. What’s the worst that could happen?”

So, where was I going to find that someone on short notice?  You don't exactly drag in a Facebook acquaintance for a deep heart-to-heart about your future any more than you'd ask them to come take a look at a questionable mole on your back.

Speaking of impossible-to-see moles, I made an appointment to have my doctor look at a mole on my back that had me worried. He said it was just a patch of dry skin. Really?? I was paying roughly $185 for a patch of dry skin that a BFF or male companion could have diagnosed for free?

I was really tempted to get my money’s worth out of that visit: “So, Doc. I have a big decision I’d like to run by you….” He was somewhat obligated to listen to me, after all.

No, I didn’t drag him into it, but if I insist on maintaining this otherwise agreeable hermit status, I might just sneak in a BFF-ish chat next time I go in for a check-up. It’s nice to know there is someone somewhat obligated to listen to me yammer on and on, after all.


1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I'd love to comment on this-I do know how private you are but you are right, this is the downside of being so private. I always feel family are the best listeners although they sometimes think more of themselves than you(I didn't want my sister to move to Boise, I fought hard to keep her from doing that and I was relieved when she moved home again) and they have your best interests at heart. I don't have what you'd call a best friend tho I have a couple of good friends but it would be unlikely I'd talk to them about a life changing thing without having already made up my mind. Really, I think you are on your own, time to get out the notebook and write pro and con at the top of a sheet.