Monday, January 18, 2016

In Praise of Single Life

After years on, a short-lived marriage/long date and several 6-week-long relationships (seems to be my cut-off point), I’ve come to the conclusion that I’m just not motivated enough to have a man in my life.  The idealist in me is surprisingly realistic on the subject: I’m happiest when I’m single.

Sure, I miss having someone take me in his arms at the end of the day and whisper, “What’s for dinner?”  And when I’m outside sweating over heavy yardwork, I miss having my man come outside to bring me a glass of water and ask, “Are you going to do any laundry today? I’m out of socks.”

Maybe I’m happiest when I’m single because there is still the dream that someone wonderful will come along and I’ll live even more happily ever after. When I’m in a relationship, however, common courtesy demands that I not dream about Mr. Wonderful.  Apparently a girl is obligated to hang in there for a decent length of time to see if this guy could possibly work out, and maybe I should dial back on my expectations, and smelling like an unwashed old man and eating his own boogers are not hanging offenses, after all.

I have to admit that not having a man in my life makes it very easy to maintain my pattern of starting and abandoning self-improvement projects. A man would surely question the No Bake Cookies cooling on the counter if I’m supposed to be on a diet. He would undoubtedly ask me if I took my walk today or spent time writing. Being single makes it very easy to convince myself that it’s too cold to walk and 3 little cookies never killed anyone. 

Still, it would be nice to have someone take me out to dinner. Someone for whom I’m the most important person in the world. Someone who tells me I’m wonderful.  Someone who gets me the most ergonomic snow shovel they can find and insists that I wear a hat and good boots when I use it.